University of Heidelberg


06.11.07 21:22 Age: 17 yrs

Leica Scientific Forum Heidelberg: Advances in Life Science


“Building molecules to spy on synapses and tumors in vivo”, DKFZ Heidelberg, Tuesday, 13th November 2007, 16:00 h

In the course of the lecture series "Advances in Life Sciences" Prof. Dr. Roger Tsien is going to give a lecture “Building molecules to spy on synapses and tumors in vivo”.

The event is part of the "Leica Scientific Forum Heidelberg" and takes place at the DKFZ Heidelberg, Communication Center (Auditorium) on Tuesday, 13th November 2007, 16:00 h .

Further information can be found here.

For free registration please contact: Andrea.Maier(at)


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