University of Heidelberg


01.01.70 01:00 Age: 55 yrs

Excellent result at Particle Tracking Challenge


The Biomedical Computer Vision (BMCV) group at BioQuant successfully participated in an international competition on automatic tracking of biological particles in time-resolved microscopy image data. 14 groups world-wide took part in this Particle Tracking Challenge. The probabilistic tracking method of W.J. Godinez and K. Rohr from the BMCV group achieved the most accurate results overall.

Press release of the University of Heidelberg

Further Information


Chenouard N, Smal I, de Chaumont F, Maška M, Sbalzarini IF, Gong Y, Cardinale J, Carthel C, Coraluppi S, Winter M, Cohen AR, Godinez WJ, Rohr K, Kalaidzidis Y, Liang L, Duncan J, Shen H, Xu Y, Magnusson KEG, Jaldén J, Blau HM, Paul-Gilloteaux P, Roudot P, Kervrann C, Waharte F, Tinevez J-Y, Shorte SL, Willemse J, Celler K, van Wezel GP, Dan H-W, Tsai Y-S, Ortiz de Solórzano C, Olivo-Marin J-C, Meijering E. Objective comparison of particle tracking methods. Nature Methods, March 2014, Volume 11, Issue 3, 281–289; DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.2808



PD Dr. Karl Rohr

University of Heidelberg

BioQuant Center and IPMB,

Dept. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg

Div. Theoretical Bioinformatics

Research Group Biomedical Computer Vision

Im Neuenheimer Feld 267

D-69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 51298

Fax: +49 6221 51488

E-Mail: k.rohr(at), k.rohr(at)


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